Heartworn Strangeways

A gatefold vinyl album cover of a fictional alternative band called “Heartworn Strangeways”. The design choices were based on the mood and my own interpretations of the music, song titles, band title, and album title which is dark and melancholic.

I went with the color blue to represent the feeling of sadness and grief, and by doing that I experimented with different shades of blue and tried to separate blue from other colors. From there, I experimented with Cyanotypes and edited the brightness via Photoshop and to top it all off I brought a blue vinyl record to match the vibe of the vinyl cover album. Furthermore, in the inside of the vinyl I added the reading we took at school called "Hell is the absence of God" by Ted Chiang to give the viewer some insight on the concept and the topic about grief where the main character of the reading is being portrayed metaphorically as a flower where they experience the 5 stages of grief after the passing of their wife by starting from Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and ending with Acceptance.


Free Palestine


The Act