A group project done together with Bruno Volpe and Pernille Pedersen showcases the transition of an already existing business by creating a whole new visual identity with their new name.
This project was done in collaboration with a client located in Copenhagen, Denmark “Sanselaboratoriet” also previously known as “Baby Steps” by Ann-Helene Kristiansen is a trained occupational therapist who works closely with children’s therapy by providing sensory motor development classes and maternity-based activities for mothers that needed a rebranding in terms of their visual identity and their target segment to make their business more including for not just infants but also to older children.
Tools Used:
Adobe After Effects - for video-editing and animation
Adobe InDesign - for brand book design
Canva - for flyers & podcast graphics

Brand Book - Front Page

Brand Book - General View

Brand Book: About us + Target Audience

Brand Book: Color Palettes

Brand Book: Images & Photo Editing

Brand Book: Typography & Font Hierarchy

Brand Book: Logo Design & Background

Flyers - Sanselaboratoriet

Sanselaboratoriet - New logo design

Sansemotorik - Podcast Graphics